Let us help you, your company, and your product get discovered through Retail Discover.
After living a lifetime in the Walmart world headquarters town of Bentonville, we wake up, live through the day and go to sleep with RETAIL on our minds. And not just any retail, but one of the world’s Fortune 5 companies.
We live with Walmart people, who are either employees, Suppliers of Walmart, or Suppliers of Suppliers. We know the top executives, mid-management, to the high school kid intern or cashier at the store. We break bread with these people, go to kid’s school events, church, out to eat, bike riding and walking, camping and hiking with these people every day, every week, every month, throughout the year. And then, of course, we shop at Walmart and Sam’s. Like most of us here think, “if it’s not at Walmart, we don’t need it.”
Our mission is simple: how can we get a world class product in front of a Walmart buyer(s) and let them decide if their Walmart customers will WIN by purchasing it?